Mr DesRosiers has developed, for several small/medium businesses (listed below), an international development strategy and a marketing strategic plan. He has also led the deployment of an information technology solutions onto their network, allowing those companies to perform foreign markets data mining and data analysis as well as reporting.
- For a Montreal-based Canadian apparel designer and fashion accessories to enable them to export in the Sunbelt U.S. States (those states located in the southern region) in the United States of America; (Diagnostic Export Report)
- For Interfacing Technologies Corporation Inc located in the City of Ville Saint-Laurent (Qc) whose developing software for small and medium-sized enterprises in the niche of growing Business Process Management software for the IT software market in Mexico; (International Market Research)
- For Instruments For Science and Medicine Inc., a City of Ville Saint-Laurent-based SME in the niche markets for exporting medical instruments to hospitals/healthcare establishments in the foreign markets in Asia-Pacific Rim and the South of America; (International Market Research)
- For COPRODEV Inc. which is a St-Hubert-based high-tech manufacturing, mainly specialized in process automation, robotics integration and customized automation equipment for exporting licences to manufacture a very high-pressure Water Jet Cutting Systems™ in the U.S. target market. Its Head Office and manufacturing plant are mainly located in the City of Ville de St-Hubert on the South Shore of Montréal, Québec (International Marketing Plan)
- For an international food brokerage located in the City of Hull (Qc) to import bio products from three countries located in the West-Sub-Saharian Africa region to be included in the transformation of agro-food products in Canada. (Canadian Customs Tarrif Analysis Report)
- For Multi-Soft International Inc. (MSI Inc) located in Ottawa (ON) who wants to sell multimedia software to SME’s located in the Chili market (International Business Plan)
- …And more…