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Diagnostic – Export Report


The purpose of the diagnostic export/import report is to assess the enterprise’s capacity to exercise on the international scene and, more so, to evaluate its chances of success.

The diagnostic report comes loaded with recommendations on what to focus on when entering international markets. In other words, the do’s and don’ts, customized to your business.

Enterprise foundation

The capacity of the enterprise to operate on an international market is based on its foundation: People, process and technology. Those are the key elements of any enterprise architecture and it also forms the basis for this assessment.

We will do a comprehensive review of the enterprise organization, structure, roles & responsibilities of people, location of people, cultural background, knowledge, skills and competencies as well as their integration with processes and technologies. We will look at it from an international market perspective. An enterprise might be doing very well with what they have in the context of a local market. Will the enterprise be doing as well in an international context? People will now be working with people in several countries, speaking different languages with a different mindset throwing a very different perspective in a business conversation sometimes.

The report…

Let set the ground for your success!

Too many people take too lightly the idea of exploiting international markets. They sometime think that it might be as easy as selling and distributing their products in a local market.

Call upon a trade consultant. If money needs to be invested in your endeavour, this is where it should be: A competent trade consultant. See it as an investment rather than an expenditure.

The importance of preparing a strong international business plan will not be stressed enough. To be credible, a solid business plan needs to be supported by facts… And it all starts with a diagnostic export report.

Who is it for?

This report is for all individuals or companies who wish to trade internationally, no matter what their objectives might be. A diagnostic export/import  report sets the ground for a sustainable business plan, as this will provide the foundation to develop a facts based business plan.

Our diagnostic export/import report will particularly be of interest to:

  1. Enterprises that have never exported manufactured products, goods and services on international market or a specific market
  2. Novice enterprises with no experience in international trade – Import/export
  3. Enterprises with experience on international market but are looking for opportunities in other markets

It takes only one small oversight in a business plan to through out the window all the work that was done to enter the international market. All stakeholders, no matter who, will refer to your business plan to make key decisions. in relation to your project. A banker might refuse a loan; international law might be overlooked and this can get a company in big trouble,