613-979-0359 info@tapionexim.com


To be successful, a trade mission needs to bring the right people together. This is where TapionExIm kicks in.

There is a lot more than buying a plane ticket when comes time to go on a trade mission. It requires a lot of organization and orchestration of all stakeholders

Understanding your business is key in the preparation of your trade mission. With your business objectives in mind, TapioExIm will research the target market and establish a connection with the right people, preparing you and your future contact for a fruitful discussion.

Several other facets need to be taken into consideration when preparing a trade mission, such as preparing an international market intelligence research prior to the mission, understanding the culture of the country you are about to visit, selecting the right people from your country to take part to the mission and more. Contact us, without  obligation, for more information on what we can do to facilitate your trade mission.